Are You Falling into the One Channel Trap?

Posted by Netmatters

Someone who has fallen into the one channel trap

Do you ever question the extent to which you understand your audience?
Do you struggle in collecting user data that is useful for marketing?
Do you worry that your advertising is becoming somewhat repetitive?

If you answered yes to all the above, chances are you’ve fallen into the “one channel trap.”

The one-channel trap is when your marketing strategy and performance becomes restricted by a single platform. There is a huge market out there of prospective customers. They all have their favourite websites and social media apps that are primed for marketing. A one-channel strategy however, doesn’t consider this.

If you’ve fallen into the one-channel trap Netmatters can get you out, with a multichannel marketing strategy.

What Is Multichannel Marketing?

Multichannel marketing is a strategy that encompasses multiple platforms. These platforms include social media, search engines and paid advertising. It also considers multiple devices, including mobile, desktop and tablet. The challenge lies in engaging with audiences across multiple channels whilst keeping your branding consistent.

90% of consumers move between at least 2 digital screens throughout the day.

Why Is Multichannel Marketing Important?

Multichannel marketing accounts for the varying ways people communicate. This ensures that your marketing strategy is both well-rounded and cohesive. Multiple touch points for your customers maximise opportunities for conversions. 

4 Benefits of Multichannel Marketing

1. It leads to increased brand awareness

Brands can always benefit from casting the net wide, and then refining down to what has been proven to work. It’s also important to mention that people may not respond the first time, but this does not mean they won’t in the future. If the seed of your brand gets planted in people's heads, you’re off to a good start.

2. It provides more ways to understand your customer

Nowadays marketers strive for personalisation, tailoring marketing content to each specific customer. Personalisation is successful because it feels authentic. Authenticity comes from understanding of how your customers shop, browse the web and use social media. This can only be achieved with multi-channel marketing.

3. It helps you reach customers on their preferred channel

Users are much more likely to convert if they receive a marketing message on the channel they use frequently. Take Instagram for instance. Having an account signifies that you respond well to quality visuals. Therefore you are likely to be drawn to an eye-catching sponsored post. This is just another example of how multi-channel marketing gets you straight to the heart of what your customer wants.

4. It helps you save time and money

You may think that multi-channel marketing needs a costly budget, but this is not necessarily the case. Content can be repurposed for a range of channels, as well as being used as a template for future content. The resulting engagement will bring a positive long-term return on investment. This outweighs what you would save by using just one channel.

If you want to dramatically expand the potential of your marketing, Netmatters can assist. Our digital marketing team are experienced across all channels, integrating them into bespoke business solutions. With expertise in data analytics, we can ensure you know exactly how your customer behaves online. This enables you to tailor your marketing in a way that drives sales and engagement.

If you’re looking for a quality multi-channel marketing strategy unique to your business, contact us via the form below or ring us on 01603 515007 today.

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