Mitigate Risks Through a Cyber Security Assessment

With new threats appearing every day in the digital world, when was the last time you updated your cyber security process?

Effective cyber security is the difference between protecting your company data and potentially losing control of your business. Regardless of your industry or business size, without effective cyber security, your business is vulnerable to cyber attacks that could cost you both time and money.


Hosted VoIP Provider

The statistics speak for themselves...

We are one of the leading Cyber Security providers for businesses in the East of England and beyond. We are passionate about what we do, and the importance of an in-depth cyber security assessment is invaluable.


The number of billion records that cybercriminals will steal by 2023.


The average amount of days it takes to identify a data breach.


The number of millions it costs companies on average for a data breach.


Effectively protect your business against cybercriminals and hackers.

Cost Saving

Save your business the money that a cyber attack could potentially cost you.


We advise on every element of your cyber security and provide on-going support.

Cyber Security Assessment

If you've had your Cyber Security in place for a while, it may be difficult to spot where your weaknesses are, leaving you open to risks. Whether you are a large corporation or a small, local business, a Cyber Security Assessment is beneficial to everyone.

Mitigating the risks against Cyber Security is crucial to preventing attacks and in turn, protecting your business from the dangers everyone faces online.

Every business is different and that's why a tailored and well-executed Cyber Security Assessment is crucial to determine strengths and weaknesses in every system. Netmatters tailor each assessment to the specific needs of the business to optimise the service and produce effective solutions for businesses on an individual basis.

On completion of this assessment, we can put the plans in place to enhance your cyber security and effectively move it forward, building a wall against you and the dangers of hackers.

Latest Cyber Security Case Studies

Theatre Royal Case Study

The Client: Norwich Theatre Royal is one of the largest and most successful theatres based in the Ea...

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Posted by Netmatters

It feels like Netmatters are an extension to my team. They are around if I am not, and I have the peace of mind that everything will be covered if I take a holiday or am not around.

IT Manager - Norwich Theatre Royal

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