June Notable Employees

Posted by Netmatters

At Netmatters we pride ourselves on the quality of work we produce and the high standards of service we provide. Netmatters growth and expansion over the past months has been orchestrated and managed by diligent and hardworking staff who deserve recognition. The monthly Notable employee nominations are just one of the ways that Netmatters can show this employee recognition. Along with a host of perks which range from an in-office gym to promoted social activities such as BBQs and nights out, the most notable nominations give our hardworking staff the praise and spotlight they deserve for their unrelenting hard work.

Notable Employees.

Simon Wright has taken charge of his role and really owned every task which has come his way including some which required a lot of his attention and hard work. Thank you, Simon.

Ian Gilkes has also been nominated. He is relatively new to Netmatters but has taken his new role with added responsibilities incredibly well. He has shown an amazing work ethic, admirably strong organisational skills and a real desire to succeed. James Gulliver, Operations Director at Netmatters has said this about Ian's start to the role: "Excellent start in his new role with lots of diligence being shown and strong organisational skills. Well done!"

Our final Notable Employee nomination is Elliot Peacock. Elliot is a consistently strong and hard worker for Netmatters. He is consistently committed and determined to make Netmatters as commercially viable and profitable as possible. He does all of this with the uttermost professionalism, diligence, and initiative.

Most Notable of Notable Employees.

This month the most notable of notable employees is Matthew Chapman.

Matt has been extremely resilient and adaptable to change which has helped the business progress as required this week with little intervention. With previously s no experience or skills in this area, he has applied himself knowledgeable and confidently to the task with a positive and selfless attitude. He is an incredibly positive and hardworking individual with a definitively promising future at Netmatters. He has conducted conscientious work for multiple clients where he owned the activities and worked through them in a methodical way, keeping all stakeholders up to date in a professional manner.

Huge congrats to Matt!

If you're interested in a possible career with Netmatters, enjoying all the perks and benefits available as well as being part of an exciting and growing business, then visit our Jobs page to see our current vacancies or check out the full list of perks and benefits available. 

You can also contact us via the form below, or ring us on 01603 515007 today.

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