If you follow us on Twitter, you may have seen this week that we were the stars of #CharterTuesday as hosted by Green Suffolk. Every week, they pick one company with a Carbon Charter accreditation to shout about through social media and this week it was our turn!
The Suffolk Carbon Charter is an award recognising carbon reduction measures in Suffolk’s small and medium businesses. This award is for businesses that do not employee a full-time energy manager or have a rigorous Environmental Management System. It is rewarded based on independent assessment carried out by qualified auditors and is rewarded in 3 levels.
- Bronze – the business takes its carbon impact seriously.
- Silver – the business has significantly reduced its carbon emissions
- Gold – the business is an exemplar of low carbon management
With more and more people waking up to the risks involved with the current levels of consumption, the Charter recognises when companies are doing the most to change their habits in order to reduce their energy use. It also helps businesses highlight to potential customers that the business has reliable measures in place whereby the customer is not damaging the planet through making use of their product or service.
Netmatters Silver Accreditation
We are pleased to be able to announce that we were recently reaccredited within the Charter with a Silver award. We were initially awarded with the accreditation in 2017 so we are thrilled that we are now able to be part of the Charter again.
As a business, we continue to actively encourage our staff to do what they can to support us on our journey to becoming a carbon efficient business and we do what we can to help make that easy for them.
It started with us becoming a paperless office – you’d struggle to find a notepad or printed documents in our building. With everything on a centralised system, it reduces the need for continued printing.
We also have recycling points in every kitchen to ensure that our waste is able to be disposed of and reused effectively. It doesn’t stop with the day to day rubbish though, we also send out our old IT hardware for reuse wherever possible. If it can’t be reused, we ensure that its recycled properly so that it can encourage future tech development from the parts.
As a business that does everything digitally within the office, we are hyperaware of the importance of lower power consumption. We do this through lower power consumption monitors and ensuring that when something isn’t being used, it is switched off.
For our team, we also encourage car sharing to reduce the impact of the engine fumes that are a result of commuting in and out of work. Alongside this, we offer incentives for the cycle to work scheme, again, helping reduce the impact of car fumes.

The Future:
Despite the efforts we make to help reduce carbon emissions, there is always room for improvement and the Gold award is always in our sights.
As we become smarter as a business, we are always on the lookout for ways to improve our offerings to ensure that we are reducing our emissions as much as possible.
Stay tuned to see how we make those improvements over the coming months!
For more information about the charter, head to http://www.greensuffolk.org/