1) Netmatters is a service-led IT and technology business, with core company values that commit to minimising the impact of business activities on the environment.
We are now considered to be Carbon Neutral and working toward NetZERO status.
2015- Our carbon footprint was been calculated to be 26.7tCO2e for the year 2020. Employees 39, Turnover £2.3m
2020 -Our carbon footprint was been calculated to be 52.9tCO2e for the year 2020 Employees 85, Turnover £5.2m
2023- Our carbon footprint was calculated to be 47.2tCO2e for the year 2020 Employees 111, Turnover £9.9m
For reporting purposes, our 2023 absolute carbon footprint is 47.2tCO2e , before any KPIs or offsetting etc. This is a reduction of 10.8% compared to your previous data from 2020. When using your turnover as a KPI, we have made a 53.1% reduction when compared to the previous data from 2020.
2024 - Our carbon footprint was calculated to be 41.8tCO2e for the year 2024 Employees 114, Turnover £9.9m
For reporting purposes, our 2024 absolute footprint is 41.8tCO2e, before any KPIs or offsetting etc. This is a reduction of 11.5% since the previous data from 2023. When using our turnover as a KPI, we have made a 11.2% reduction when compared to the previous data from 2023.
This footprint includes emissions from all business vehicle mileage and grid electricity supply to our sites (which is sourced from 100% renewable sources via a zero-carbon tariff, reducing our carbon footprint by around 13.5 tCO2e/year).
We received Silver Carbon Charter award in 2019 and have now gone on to achieve the gold award in 2021 & 2023 & 2024.
2) Reduction Targets:
Total Carbon Footprint Target reduction of 10% per year (after adjustments for turnover and business growth)
Fleet Break down 13 Vehicles (100%) (2021)
Full Electric Vehicles - 5 - 39%
Petrol Hybrid Vehicles - 2 - 15%
Diesel Vehicles - 6 - 46%
Fleet Break down 14 Vehicles (100%) (2023)
Full Electric Vehicles - 8 - 58%
Petrol Hybrid Vehicles - 3 - 21%
Diesel Vehicles - 3 - 21%
Fleet Break down 16 Vehicles (100%) (2024)
Full Electric Vehicles - 11 - 69%
Petrol Hybrid Vehicles - 4 - 25%
Diesel Vehicles - 1 - 6%
2030 Target- Electric Vehicles
Full Electric Fleet by 2030
3)Carbon Offset/Additional Extraction Target
Total Carbon Output per year = 47T
Total Carbon Offset via Tree Planting Scheme per year = 240T
Total Carbon Offset via 100% Renewables Tariff 14.8T

Carbon Neutral position = (-213T) pa year, which is 5 times the Carbon Output

Avoided Emissions from Solar PV & Battery in KWH (10,250kWh per year) - 2.8T
2030 Target-
Extracting 10 x our Carbon Output by 2030
NetZero Action Timeline 2024-2028

4) A number of initiatives have already been undertaken to reduce environmental impact and include (but not limited to):
- Installation of low-energy LED lighting
- Installation of enhanced levels of building insulation
- Driver awareness training (and ongoing monitoring) to encourage fuel-efficient driving
- A paperless office environment
- Car Charging points for electric vehicles.
- Move over to electrical company cars and Vehicles.
- Initiatives for car sharing and using public transport, as well as biking and walking to work.
- 3CX conference call and sharing.
- Cycle to Work Scheme
- Use of technology to reduce mileage/postage.
- Dual Bins are now used in all kitchen areas.
- Office bins are only for recycling waste - stickers attached to bins.
- Staff Milestones recognised in the normal way but with a bonus of 250 trees being planted on their behalf, this is part of our long service awards for 5 & 10 Years service
- Initiative in place to promote the use of renewal energy tariffs and Carbon Footprint assessment, we plant 100 tree's for every team member who can demonstrate they have reviewed their carbon footprint via (WWF) and have also switched to a 100% renewables energy tariff at their home.
- Communicate environmental commitment to clients, customers and the public and encourage support of efforts- completed via a new section on our website for environmental news - https://www.netmatters.co.uk/environmental-news
- Solar panels installed on the two highest power using units
- Battery storage for surplus Solar Energy
- Green team setup consisting of 5 member, to help implement and shape our green agenda going forward.
- Access to electric Bikes and Scooters (Wymondham and Cambridge)
- Car sharing encouraged and incentivised
- switched to compostable coffee pods.
- Movement sensors for lights in communal areas
- Salary Sacrifice scheme for Employees leasing a new EV
5) As part of the continued commitment to reducing environmental impact, the aim is to reduce total carbon emissions continuously. This will be achieved through:
- Continued assessment and measurement of frequency and type of business travel
- Actively seek to reduce business mileage through use of technology-based solutions such as telephone/video conferencing or screen sharing. Where business travel is essential, employees are required to travel together, wherever possible - and practical to do so.
- Incentivise and encourage employees to reduce personal mileage through car sharing or using public transport wherever possible
- Continued investment in Additional Carbon Extraction Scheme
- Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into all decision making and activities
- Promote environmental awareness among employees and encourage work in an environmentally responsible manner. Train, educate and inform employees about environmental issues that may affect their work
- Reduce waste through re-use and recycling of both commercial (eg. IT hardware) or "domestic" (eg. food packaging/containers) waste.
- Purchase of recycled, recyclable or refurbished products and materials where alternatives are available, economical and fit for purpose.
- Promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout the office including water, electricity, raw materials and other resources, particularly those that are non-renewable
- Avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials and products, seek substitutions when feasible, and take all reasonable steps to protect human and environmental health when such materials must be used, stored and disposed of.
- Purchase and use of environmentally responsible products where appropriate
- Continually improve environmental performance to minimise social impact and damage of activities by periodic review of the environmental policy against current and planned future activities.
6)Further Measures for review and consideration:
- Consideration of further solar PV system.
- Introduction of telematics
- Completion of building-wide upgrade of legacy lighting to low-energy LED lighting.
- Consideration of introducing a compost bin outdoors for waste.
- Consideration of Smart controls for heating etc
- Review Cleaning products
- Review Grocery deliveries
7) Progress against these points and the overall impact will be measured and reviewed continuously as part of our company's TRUE values and the Environmental Policy updated in line with progress.
Find out more on the Netmatters environmental progress here